Wednesday, January 25, 2006

there is this thing that i do that i am really less ashamed of than i should be. i read advice columns. i love them. i love reading people's inane questions about life and love. some make me laugh, some make me want to cry. i am not sure what it is that is so addicting about it: perhaps the same curiousity that drives me to check out The Superficial at least once a day. this crazy need to have some context in which to place my daily, rather boring, existence. yes, i said it. the superficial makes me feel better about myself in a very basic way. what am i saying? that disdain prevents envy? that i am convincing myself that i don't want, what, money, fame, a perfect body? i don't know. mostly i just read them to see "stars" in the same embarrassing positions as us. picking our noses, parking in handicapped spots (okay, i can honestly say i've never done this...but kirsten dunst sure has!), and drinking their coffees. breaking up, making up, and uh, getting down? actually, saying it like that makes it nothing like an advice column.

but i do know that Carolyn Hax offers a basic, common sense approach to life.
she gives me a little insight on the bigger picture, on the fallibilities of ourselves and our friends, on how to let things go and how to stand up for ones self, and, on top of all that, makes me laugh. she's sarcastic, almost bitchy, and is absolutely hilarious. okay, maybe i admire her a little. her and veronica mars.

1 comment:

susan said...

When I have some time on my hands, I like to visit "quote" sites. Check out:

Here's one for you:
A face without freckles is like a sky without stars.