Friday, January 13, 2006

it seems blogs are finally catching on amongst the kids i actually know

a friend and i were having a msn conversation, not living in the same city and all, and she asked if i had any updates from the people we attended uni with. nothing too particular, more just, are they happy, are they working, where are they living...things along that line. answers to inquiries that we took for granted when we lived and learned in the same city. and so i answered, mentionning friends in asia, the far far north, europe all over, and it struck me as impossibly incredibly wonderful that the close knit community that was the humanities program, class of 2004, (for better or for worse) are, mostly, through a tie or two, still in contact, still existing, still there...thanks to the internet, to blogs, to msn and email.

so, if anyone is reading this who wonders what happened to who, i'll let them tell you in their own words:

i have a friend, emily, who is living in Iqaluit for four months. she's not even there just dicking aorund, she's teaching Inuit art (i know, why exactly is a white girl up north teaching inuit art to inuits? i'll never know...) her travel journal is:

sofie, a girl i met in belgium, but who is now living in toronto, for a year, doing a master's in social anthropology, writes about coming to canada, a new city, and old friends. hers is:

alex is living in japan with her boyfriend and, somehow, being as spontaneous and kind as she is, manages to bring japan to all of us...with a fantastic photos and plenty of drinking games.

mike manages a bit of a traveler's homepage. i think i like it best because, you know, i'm in some of the pictures. but what is so neat about his is that he writes about all the places he's visited, all over, as well as the life he is living now. i do believe i found this, while bored, one day just googling people's names.

i know you're bored. so read 'em.

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