Wednesday, March 29, 2006

spaz attack

i have a confession to make: i just emailed my favourite author. please compare this to say, anyone normal meeting their favourtie rock star. because yes, in my little world, my authors are rock stars.

i am writing a paper for my book history course on a canadian author. its basically a case study with the purpose of demonstrating one small aspect of the book trade and i chose, of course, Guy Gavriel Kay. the class istself is wonderful (the only one i go to not because i have to but because i enjoy it). you can stretch the topics to almost anything that catches your fancy and still turn out incredibly creative, pertinent and interesting work. i am constantly amazed by the quality of thought displayed in class.

for instance, the other day, walking to the classroom, tamara and i followed a PhD student and our prof. they were speaking of methodist publishing in ontario and i just kind of had one of those 'duh' moments where i realized how academics are different than, say, me. i turned to Tamara and said, "wow, i bet they don't even care who last got eliminated on America's Next Top Model." And Tamara looked at me, straight faced, and said, "Or how Jade is really humble." And then we looked at each, smiled and said together, "On the Inside." Once again, I had to accept that my reality was a very different reality.

But, back to The Point. I was speaking with another classmate about my paper when she casually remarked, "oh, i know him! he's a friend from Winnipeg!" Before I managed to close my mouth, she had promised to speak with him about helping me. and she did! and so, i emailed him. his personal address. its practically like touching him (i'll never wash this keyboard again). i met him once, you know. it was at a book reading/signing in Ottawa. He was signing my favourite book (it still makes me cry...the book, not the signature) and i asked him what he was doing after the signing, you know, real casual-like (now i know how boys feel asking out their first dates). he did not reply and to this day, i am not sure if it is because he did not hear me or because, well, i fear i might really not have said anything at a volume that registers in the human ear. but, this just might be my second chance.


Hiten Mehta said...

hey thanks for stoppin by... good luck, hope u meet your "rock star" soon.

btw, just curious, which university do u study in?

Ms. McKeegan's Blog said...

That is so cool. I love meeting authors (except I always make an ass out of myself in front of them). I freaked when I meet authors. I would love to meet Douglas Coupland. Ever read him?

Ms. McKeegan's Blog said...

You didn't quit blogging, did you?